1987 – L’arte va in parrocchia

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1987 – L’arte va in parrocchia – Sala settecentesca, S. Francesco, Carpi



Mons. Artemio Prati, former Bishop of Carpi, attended the exhibition.

In the pictures you can recognise Mons. Alessandro Maggiolini, Bishop of Carpi at the time (on the left), and Don Roberto Bianchini, vicar of the church of San Francesco (on the right)

The Father Guardian of Convento dei Frati Minori Francescani di San Nicolò can be seen in the picture
Inside of Sala Settecentesca in the parsonage of the church of San Francesco

Newspaper articles

La Gazzetta di Modena
Tuesday, December 15th, 1987
Article by Mario Pecoraro
La Gazzetta di Modena
Wednesday, December 16th, 1987
Weekly journal of the parish of Carpi, Sunday, December 27th, 1987


Letter by Mons. Alessandro Maggiolini, dated December 30th, 1987

Autographed letter by Mons. Artemio Prati, dated January 12th, 1988