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Publications, Donations, Courses, Events

1987 – Greeting card for Cassa di Risparmio di Carpi

1988 – Postcard for Pope John Paul II’s visit to Carpi, and consequent donation of the original artboards

1988 – Commemorative postcard for Centro Missionario di Carpi

1990 – Artistic guide of Carpi including 73 ink drawings

1992 – Donation of watercolor to Movimento Terza Età

1992 – Flyer for La Desolazione di Maria SS.

1993 – Alumni reunion at Istituto Sacro Cuore

1994 – Calendar for the Parish of Santa Croce

1994 – Donation of watercolor to Movimento Terza Età

1994 – Commemorative postcard for Don Francesco

1994 – Picture for Notizie, Christmas ’94

1995 – Donation of watercolor to Movimento Terza Età

1995 – Donation in memory of Simona Ferraresi

1995 – Donation of two watercolors to the Museum of Carpi

1995 – Commemorative postcard for the 50th anniversary of C.A.I.

1996 – Donation to the Focherini family in memory of Odoardo Focherini

1996 – Donation to the Molinari family

1997 – Donation to the Radiology department of Modena’s Polyclinic

1997 – Donation to Carpi Centro for AMO

1997-1999 – Teaches watercolor techniques at the Scuola di Arte Figurativa in Migliarina, Carpi

1998 – Donation of three watercolors to Movimento Terza Età

1998 – Donation of watercolor to Botteghe del Centro

1998 – Picture for Notizie, Easter ’98

1998 – Odoardo Focherini at Museo del Deportato

1998 – “Giro d’Italia”, postcard

1998 – Exhibition of the students of the Center of Figurative Art of Migliarina

1998 – Galasso Alghisi at Sala Ex Poste, Carpi

1998 – Insegnare l’arte

1999 – Panel dedicated to Mons. Bassano Staffieri

2000 – Ogni lustro cambia gustoSala Cervi, Carpi

2000 – La Carpi che non c’èVoce frontpage

2000 – Donation to A.V.I.S.

2000 – Donation to A.M.O.

2000 – Jubilee contest “Chi voi dite che io sia?”, 2nd prize ex aequo

2000 – Exhibition of the students of the Center of Figurative Art of Migliarina

2000 – L’assistenza a Carpi dal trecento ai giorni nostri – Exhibition hall of the Archivio Storico Comunale, Carpi

2001 – Donation to Carpi CentroCarpi che non c’è

2001 – Carpi in festa Lottery

2001 – Commercianti si nasce specialmente a Carpi – Sala ex Poste, Carpi

2001 – Donation to “Al Filôs

2001 – Presentation of Il Navigatore Solitario

2001 – 60th anniversary of the Matilde Cappello kindergarten

2001 – Presentation for Lauro Luppi – ex Ente Comunale, Carpi

2001 – Ex Libris for Andrea Beltrami

2001 – Teaches watercolor techniques at Banca del Tempo of Carpi, Borgofortino

2002 – Tenth anniversary of Carpi Centro – Donation

2002 – Magie di ricami a corte – Palazzo dei Pio, Carpi

2002 – Donation to A.M.O.

2002 – Donation to the Parish of the Cathedral of Carpi: “Gesù misericordioso”, oil on canvas

2002 – Donation “Ritratto del Vescovo”, oil on canvas

2002 – 1° Premio Nazionale “Il Galeone”, 1st prize

2002 – Donation to the Long-Term Ward of the Hospital of Carpi

2002 – Carpi, il segno dei ricordi (Voce insert?)

2002 – Donation to Casa protetta “Tenente Marchi”

2002 – Donation to Banca del Tempo

2002 – Donation to Ernest Borgnine, “Oscar made in Carpi”

2002 – “Vestire è armonia” – Università Terza Età, inauguration of 2002/2003 A.Y.

2003 – Donation to A.M.O., “Un altro Natale insieme”

2003 – Donation to A.M.O., Associazione Carpi Centro

2003 – 15ª Biennale Nazionale di Pittura “Città di Soliera”, representation award

2003 – Movimento Terza Età – Program of the A.Y. 2003/04

2003 – Donation to Croce Rossa of Modena for the Fallen in Nassirya

2004 – Donation to A.M.O., Lyons Carpi

2004 – Donation to A.M.O., Associazione Carpi Centro

2004 – Commemorative exhibition on Odoardo Focherini, Sala Duomo, Carpi

2004 – Donation to Gruppo Parkinson Carpi

2004 – Carpi a tavola

2004 – Movimento Terza Età – Program of the A.Y. 2004/05

2005 – L’invenzione del maiale da mito a gastronomia, Teatro Comunale di Carpi

2006 – Donation to Movimento Terza Età – Vent’anni insieme

2006 – Donation to A.M.O. – “Carpi a volo d’uccello”

2006 – Donation to AVIS

2006 – Donation to the Diocese of Carpi

2006-2007 – Further donations

2007 – Donation to C.R.I.

2008 – A.M.O. Calendar – Edda Martini con AMOre